OOOOOhhhhhhh controversial!
I had a great chat with Ciara Plunkett on KFM today. We talked about ‘Bridezilla’s’ following Thursday nights ‘Don’t Tell The Bride’. The show was absolute car crash television. The bride described herself as ‘high maintenance’. She told her other half that she wanted a girlie vintage wedding and he of course turned a blind eye to her wishes. The groom-to-be didn’t meet her even a third of the way, he went off on a tangent! He planned a roman themed wedding…..gladiator style. Needless to say, it went down like a lead balloon and the bride to be lost her head on several occasions.
This sparked the ‘bridezilla’ debate.
The Oxford Dictionary define a Bridezilla as being;
‘A woman whose behaviour in planning the details of her wedding is regarded as obsessive or intolerably demanding’
May I just say that this definition is not exclusive to brides…..Groomzilla should also be a recognised term!
There are various levels within Oxfords definition. It can be someone that cannot find anything to talk about other than their wedding right through to full blown tantrums and demanding that the bridal party wear and do certain things.
From my experience, it’s very hard not to get overwhelmed when you are planning a wedding and that can result in stressful behaviour. We all express stress in different ways. Some shut down and others let it all out!
Regardless of how you express your stress, it is important that you don’t lose perspective as once the day is over you still have to carry on with normal life.
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